Is My Back Pain Kidney Related

Pain that originates in the kidneys is often felt in the sides or in the back, though it is felt more deeply than back pain and also occurs higher up than lower back pain, the most common type of back pain. The kidneys are located beneath the rib cage, and kidney pain is commonly felt in either side of the back, and in the middle or upper back. Pain from the kidneys can also gradually progress and travel to the abdomen or groin.

Depending on its cause, kidney pain may be accompanied by other symptoms, including fever, nausea, or pain while urinating. If these symptoms occur along with back pain, they may be caused by a problem with the kidneys, which can include injury, kidney stones, a urinary tract infection or kidney infection, or cancer.

The kidneys are part of a complex system that filters blood and helps turn bodily waste into urine and pass it out of the body. Kidney stones are a result of the accumulation of mineral or chemical waste in the body, and, depending on their size, they can get trapped in the urinary tract and block urine, causing pain that can be intense. An infection in the urinary tract can be caused by bacteria that remains anywhere in the tract following urination, and urinary tract infections lead to symptoms that can include fever, pain while urinating, cloudy urine, and fatigue.

Kidney infections can develop when bacteria from an infection elsewhere in the urinary tract spreads and reaches the kidneys. Certain health conditions can predispose people to kidney infections, as can chronic problems with the urinary tract. Kidney trauma due to injury, like a sharp blow to the kidney area or the impact from a car accident, can cause back pain that may indicate a disruption of blood flow between the kidneys and the body’s other systems, which can develop into more problematic kidney issues. Finally, kidney diseases, including renal cancer and inherited conditions like polycystic kidney disease, can also cause pain in the side or back, as well as other symptoms, and require sustained medical treatment.

Doctors can diagnose kidney problems using a handful of effective tools, including urinalysis and imaging tests like ultrasounds and CT scans. If you have persistent back pain that is accompanied by any of the symptoms of kidney problems, it’s important to see a doctor as soon as possible. These symptoms include fever, urine that is discolored, pain while urinating, blood appearing in the urine, a continuous urgent need to urinate, the appearance of any solid material in the urine, or an overall feeling of fatigue or illness that persists over time.

On its own, lower back pain is not likely to be an indication of any larger systemic illness or issues, but if your back pain is located higher in the back, and if you are experiencing any of the other indications of kidney trauma or illness, prompt medical attention can help relieve your back pain while addressing whatever underlying health issues may exist and arranging treatment that can help you find relief.

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