Irritable bowel syndrome, commonly referred to as IBS, is a condition that affects the gastrointestinal tract and leads to such symptoms as pain and bloating in the abdomen, abdominal cramping, gas, and bouts of diarrhea or periods of constipation.
For most people, the symptoms of IBS are mild and can be managed by dietary and lifestyle changes, including stress management. When symptoms are severe, patients may find relief with medication and through counseling.
Having IBS doesn’t increase a person’s chances of developing colorectal cancer or adversely affect the tissues in the stomach and intestines, but its symptoms can still cause uncomfortable side effects like hemorrhoids, and there’s no doubt that it can damage a person’s mood and their quality of life.
The precise cause of irritable bowel syndrome is unknown, though scientists believe there are several factors that play a contributing role in developing the condition. Problems with nerves throughout the digestive system can cause uncomfortable cramps when a person’s abdomen stretches with the presence of stool or gas, and nerve issues can also muddle the signals between the intestines and the brain and cause overstimulation of the digestive system, leading to constipation or diarrhea. Irritable bowel syndrome could also develop following a severe bacterial or viral infection that is accompanied by severe diarrhea, and it may be associated with bacterial overgrowth in the intestines. In some cases, IBS is believed to be caused by irregular muscle contractions in the intestine; in different circumstances, these intestinal contractions can cause gas or bloating or lead to slow food processing and cause constipation.
Many medical providers can confirm that people who are exposed to stressful events early in their lives are more prone to having symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. Dramatic changes in the gut microbiome can also cause IBS; this could include an imbalance of the fungi, viruses, and bacteria that reside in every person’s intestines and help keep the whole system functioning comfortably. Researchers have noted that the gut microbiomes of people with IBS are different from those of people without IBS, and studies along this vein continue.
While the underlying causes of IBS vary, many people share similar triggers for flare-ups. Food is one of the most frequently reported triggers of IBS symptoms, though food allergies themselves rarely cause IBS. Some of the more common dietary triggers of IBS symptoms include dairy, wheat, citrus, beans, and milk products. In many cases, people struggle more with IBS when in situations of increased or prolonged stress. While stress might exacerbate the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, however, it isn’t viewed as a cause for IBS; after all, many people experience stress without IBS ever developing.
Irritable bowel syndrome occurs most often in people under 50 and is more common in women than in men. People with a family history of IBS are more likely to develop the syndrome; this may be because of genes or because of shared environmental influences, or due to a combination of both. If you have a history of anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues, or if you have a history of abuse, you may also be more prone to developing IBS. These underlying factors can often be addressed through counseling, resulting in a greater sense of well-being along with a reduction in stress and a corresponding reduction in IBS symptoms.