Migraines are a type of headache which can result in a severe throbbing pain or pulsing sensation. They usually effect just one side of the head, although can impact both. Patients with migraines can also experience symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, in addition to extreme light and sound sensitivity. Migraine episodes can take place for a few hours to a few days. In some cases, the pain can be debilitating and interfere with daily activities. Some patients are unable to get out of bed when they have a migraine. Migraines can affect patients of all ages.
Some patients experience an aura or somewhat of a warning symptom prior to the onset of their headache. Auras often include symptoms such as a visual disturbance. This may include flashes of light or blind spots. Patients also report other types of disturbances like tingling on the face, in an arm or leg, and some patients notice that their speaking is impaired.
Both over-the-counter and prescription medications can aid in preventing or mitigating some of the symptoms associated with migraines. Medications, some forms of self-help remedies, and lifestyle modifications can all aid in preventing migraines and making them less severe.
Migraine Symptoms
There are four distinct stages associated with migraines. These stages include the prodrome, aura, attack and post-drome. Not all migraines patients experience each distinct stage.
During the first stage, the patient may experience the following symptoms a day or two before the onset of the migraine:
* Constipation
* Drastic change in mood
* Food cravings
* More frequent urinating
* Retention of fluids
* Stiffness in the neck
* Yawning
The aura stage can occur before or during the migraine. Auras are reversible symptoms of the nervous system and are typically visual. This stage can involve other types of disturbances. The symptoms often begins gradually and build up over several minutes. In some cases, the symptoms may last up to an hour.
Migraine aura symptoms include the following:
* Arm or leg tingling
* Difficulty with speech
* Loss of vision
* Numbness or weakness in the face
* Visual disturbances such as shapes, bright spots or light flashes
Migraine often last 4-72 hours. The frequency of migraines can vary for each patient and can occur rarely or multiple times each month. Symptoms of a migraine attack include the following:
* Light and sound sensitivity
* Pain on one or both sides of the head
* Throbbing or pulsing pain
* Vomiting and nausea
Following a migraine, patients often report feeling extremely tired, confused and drained. In some cases, patients report feeling elated. It is possible for sudden head movement to result in returned pain. Although it is typically brief.
Many times, migraines are not diagnosed or treated. Patients who regularly experience migraines should keep a journal documenting the frequency and treatment methods used for the attacks. They should then make an appointment with the doctor to discuss next steps. If patients ever notice a change in the pattern or severity of the headaches, they should schedule an appointment with their doctor.
If patients experience any of the below signs and symptoms, they should go to the doctor or emergency room immediately as it could indicate a serious medical issue:
* Abrupt, severe headache
* Chronic headaches which become worse with coughing, exertion, straining or sudden movements
* Headache combined with fever, stiff neck, confusion, seizures, double vision, numbness or weakness in any part of the body. These symptoms can suggest the patient has had a stroke
* Headache following a head injury
* New headaches for patients older than 50