Dermatology for Skin Problems
There are helpful treatments available for a variety of skin conditions which can include rashes, itchy skin, skin fungus, infections, skin bumps and skin tags. A wake forest dermatologist can give you advice on the best methods for cleaning, treating, and protecting your skin.
Skin Discolorations
Skin discolorations describes something patients are usually born with such as birthmarks or freckles. Some of the common skin discolorations are summarized below.
Red Birthmarks and Hemangiomas: Birthmarks are described as colored skin spots which are either present at birth or develop immediately after birth. Birthmarks can be various colors such as brown, tan, black, pale blue, pink, white, red, and purple. While some birthmarks are quite common, other forms require special attention.
Moles, Freckles, and Skin Tags: There are several skin lesions or spots which are common and non-cancerous. This includes conditions like moles, freckles, skin tags, benign lentigines, and seborrheic keratoses.
Chronic skin conditions are not typically considered curable, however, they can be managed through medication or lifestyle modifications. Common chronic skin conditions include:
- Eczema: a group of medical conditions which cause the skin to become inflamed and irritated
- Psoriasis: a common skin disorder which produces thick red plaques that are covered with silvery scales
- Acne: while it is largely a curse of adolescence, about 20% of all acne cases occur in adults
- Rosacea: a common disorder mainly affecting the skin on the face. It can cause redness on the nose, chin, cheeks, and forehead
Many skin problems are temporary and can be treated through the use of medication or are resolved over time. Some of the most common acute skin problems are listed below:
- Cold sores or fever blisters: a painful infection caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV), cold sores are usually located on or around the mouth
- Plantar and Palmer warts: a common condition in children. These warts are named after where they appear on the body. Palmer warts appear on the hands, and plantar warts appear on the bottom of the feet
- Alopecia: a condition which causes hair loss
- Blister: Blisters are typically the result of friction or a slight burn. They often occur on the hands or feet
- Chafing: this condition can occur anywhere on the body. The thighs, groin, underarms, and nipples are particularly susceptible
- Corns and calluses: while these areas can be a nuisance, your body forms them to protect sensitive or fragile skin
- Ingrown Hair: In some cases, dead skin cells can clog a hair follicle. The clog forces the hair inside it to grow sideways below the skin, rather than growing up and out of the skin
- Dermatitis: a condition which is often characterized by red, dry, and itchy skin. More serious cases can present itself as crusty scales or blisters which ooze fluid
Below is a summary of bacterial, fungal, and viral skin infections.
- Leprosy: a condition caused by a slow-growing type of bacteria called Mycobacteriumleprae
- Staph infection: an infection which typically starts with a small cut, then gets infected from bacteria. Staph infections can range from a simple boil to antibiotic-resistant and even a flesh-eating infection
- Cellulitis: a common infection of the skin and the soft tissues below the skin. It occurs when bacteria enters through a break in the skin and spreads
- Impetigo: a highly contagious, bacterial skin infection. While it can appear anywhere on the body, it often attacks exposed areas
- Boils: a skin infection which begins in a hair follicle or oil gland. The skin will initially turn red and a tender lump will then develop. After four days to a week, the lump begins to turn white as pus collects below the skin
More on Dermatology : Dermatology for Clear Skin