Get Rid of IBS
Irritable bowel syndrome is a common condition that affects the large intestine, causing constipation or diarrhea, gas and bloating, and pain or discomfort in the abdomen. Because IBS has no known definitive cause, there is no known definitive cure, though many patients are able to permanently manage their condition and reduce or eliminate symptoms with some time and care. The common symptoms of IBS include irregular bowel movements, excessive gas, cramping and pain in the abdomen, and bloating. While it has historically been thought of as a lifelong condition that can only be managed and not eliminated, current research suggests that there are, in fact, ways to address the root causes of IBS, essentially curing the condition, that can work for many patients.
Many medical professionals and nutritionists believe that a common cause of IBS is an imbalance of the bacteria that naturally live in the gut. These beneficial bacteria support the immune system, help with digestion, and protect from infection, but their balance can fall out of whack for a few different reasons. When harmful bacteria in the gut overtake the good bacteria, this gut dysbiosis can cause IBS symptoms to arise. If harmful gut bacteria have weakened the intestinal walls, toxins could enter the bloodstream from the digestive system; this is known as leaky gut syndrome. Antibiotic overuse can also upset the balance of bacteria in the gut, killing good bacteria along with bad and triggering an imbalance. Probiotics are an effective way of treating gut flora imbalance. These good bacteria can be found in fermented foods like yogurt and sauerkraut, and they are also available as dietary supplements.
The first step in treating IBS is identifying each patient’s specific triggers. Some of the more common IBS triggers are chronic stress, overuse of antibiotics, yeast overgrowth, or bacterial overgrowth, though many other potential triggers also exist. The next step is a discussion of possible medical solutions, like laxatives, antispasmodics, and even antibiotics. While it’s true that some antibiotics can upset the balance of intestinal bacteria, there are some antibiotics that are ideally suited for treating IBS, especially when it is caused by small-intestinal bacterial overgrowth or parasitic invasion.
Modified diets, like the low-FODMAP diet, can help eliminate symptoms of IBS. If you know that you have an allergy or intolerance to a certain food, eliminating that food may remove IBS symptoms. Otherwise, the low-FODMAP diet can help reduce food triggers. This acronym refers to a series of fermentable carbohydrates that cause IBS symptoms to worsen as they settle in the gut; for a low-FODMAP diet, wheat and rye; dairy; beans and lentils; garlic and onions; fruit; sugar and sugar alcohols; and certain vegetables, under the guidance of your medical provider. The low-FODMAP diet is not meant to be a lifelong diet and should instead be used as an elimination diet to determine common triggers. When combined with lifestyle changes like relaxation techniques and daily exercise, and supplemented with probiotic foods or supplements and other beneficial medical or herbal supplements, it’s possible to stop the symptoms of IBS and essentially cure the condition, so talk to your medical providers about a comprehensive treatment plan that will work best for you.